We love it, why not live it?
He moved to M88 country in 1979 as a teenage boy from Flint, Michigan to make a better life for himself. He was robbed on his ice cream route by a group of guys who held a knife to his throat. That was the turning point. He's made majestic Northern Michigan his home pretty much since then!
She was raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the other Northern Michigan) and life had its way of happening and she moved to majestic M88 country in 2012.
They met & fell in love and admire everything about M88 country and the adventure of it. Heck, they love all of Michigan. On weekends in the summer, you'll find them boating or visiting Short's Brewery on M88 in Bellaire. In other months, they are enjoying the seasons, planning their next adventures and, of course, hanging out at Short's! They like to live simply and want to teach their children different ways of living by appreciating the world around them.
M88 is what we love, so why not live it in the form of a business venture. We want to raise awareness and promote the area with fun products and partnership with businesses along the scenic highway. M88 is only 26 miles long but boasts 4 Lakes, 4 Towns & 4 Seasons. Surely that gives us bragging rights to be Four Times More Fun! It's Michjestic!